Test Date: | Feb 17, 2014 |
Pub. Date: | Feb 17, 2014 |
Src Location: | Petaluma, CA |
Submitter Loc: | Petaluma, CA United States |
Color: | White |
Size: | 114 mg, 23.40 mm x 7.40 mm |
Data Source: | DrugsData (EcstasyData) |
Tested by: | DDL |
Lab's ID: | 20140200062 |
One of our experts (Thanks AV!) has positively identified this mass spectrum as that of bk-MDDMA, also known as Methylone ME (NOT methylone itself). It has an extra methyl (carbon) on the amine (nitrogen) compared to methylone. The identification is based on Cayman and SWDrug's Mass Spectra.
1) 4-ACO-DMT has been ruled out.
2) bk-MDDMA is the best library match; however, other similar compounds are not ruled out as the library matches are also good. For instance, it is also a good match for MDCATH and one of the analogs of methcathinone (good match to mass spectra 2B provided by the US DEA article (http://www.justice.gov/dea/pr/microgram-journals/2010/mj7-2_42-49.pdf).