ID: | 19841 |
Name: | Yellow Powder |
Other Names: | |
UniqueCode:Unique Lookup Code is an alphanumeric string created by the submitter and included with the sample so anonymously submitted samples can be positively identified as the submitter's sample. | Jack2 |
Marquis:The Marquis Test is a reagent field test conducted by placing a drop of reagent liquid onto a small sample of the material being tested. The chemicals in the reagent react differently with different chemicals, turning a variety of colors based on the what is in the material being tested. | No Reaction |
Liebermann | Purple-Brown-Black |
Froehde | Light Yellow |
GC/MS:The GC/MS Lab Test | |
The mass spectra for Protonitazene and Etomethazene are similar, except Etomethazene has a small 363 ion peak. Our lab does not currently have a certified reference standard for Etomethazene, but one is available. It might be months before we see the results of any new analysis compared to the Etomethazene standard. Check back for updates.