Mar 28 2024: The two previously unidentified substances have been identified as isomers of N-(1-(4-fluorophenyl)prop-1-en-2-yl)hydroxylamine, byproducts of the ''artisanal'' synthesis of fluoroamphetamine, presumably ''using fluorobenzaldehyde contaminated with benzaldehyde [via] reduction with concentrated acetic acid with zinc...,'' in the words of a consulting Erowid Expert Network chemist. (Thank you, Y. and Borax)
Mar 27 2024: Originally, in the lab, Unidentified #1 and Unidentified #2 appear to be the same compound, double peak.
Regarding positional isomers: Two chemicals in this sample have multiple 'ring-positional isomers'. That means that the hexagonal benzene ring that makes up part of the chemical can have 'arms' that form the rest of the chemical attached at various locations around the ring. Some chemicals, such as these, have multiple possible places along the ring that these parts can attach, and have nearly-identical or identical retention times in the Gas Chromatograph (GC) and identical mass spectra (MS).
This sample contains Fluoroamphetamine and N-acetyl Fluoroamphetamine, but at this time we can't be certain which positional isomer(s).
Send in a sample for testing
DrugsData tests all psychoactive drugs including ecstasy tablets, powders, research chemicals, novel pschoactive substances, and other drugs through our licensed laboratory. Ecstasy/Molly tablets cost $100. Recreational drug powder/crystal/blotter costs $100. Pharmaceuticals, supplements and all others cost $150 per analysis.
Should the public have access to independent analysis of the products they consume?
The vast majority of analyses of over-the-counter, prescription, and recreational drugs are performed in secret with no independent oversite or review. No other historical record, free from politically-controlled agencies, is currently available in North America nor most other parts of the world.
DrugsData, a project of Erowid Center, needs the support of professionals, students, parents, individuals with means, and small foundations for a total yearly budget of around $120,000 USD. Erowid Center's general budget and the co-pays we require fund most of this cost.
Unidentified Substance #2: 1 part (now under Synthesis Byproducts)
N-acetyl Fluoroamphetamine identified by library match, positional isomer not specified.
On the submission form accompanying this sample, submitter indicated this was sold as ''4-FA (F-fluoroamphetamine)''.
Mar 27 2024: Originally, in the lab, Unidentified #1 and Unidentified #2 appear to be the same compound, double peak.
This sample contains Fluoroamphetamine and N-acetyl Fluoroamphetamine, but at this time we can't be certain which positional isomer(s).