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Sold as: Dope
ID: 10858
Result Photo Detail Photo Detail Photo
GC/MS Graph
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GC/MS Graph
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GC/MS Graph
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GC/MS Graph
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Sample contains multiple unidentified chemicals.
Sold as: Dope
Expected to be: Fentanyl + something else
Lab comments:
multiple unknown peaks. The peaks could possibly be one compound degradation or different compounds with similar peaks.

Unidentified Substance #1: 20 parts

Unidentified Substance #2: 20 parts

Unidentified Substance #3: 15 parts

Unidentified Substance #4: 1 part

Brown powder in baggie.

Experience Note: 'feels like being stoned on weed'

BTNX Fentanyl Test Strip (prior to sending in sample): Positive
Aug 5 2021: all four unidentifieds in this sample match the ones in sample #10856. Unid-4 also matches the ones in #10859 and #10860.
Unidentifed Substances
This sample contains an unidentified chemical. We do not have a matching substance in our lab's internal database and have not yet been able to identify the chemical(s).

We need the help of outside expert analytical chemists and drug geeks to determine what substance matches the mass spectrum (MS) fingerprint. The lab's GC/MS graphs can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnails on this page.

Please use our contact form and include the DrugsData ID (10858) or this URL along with any communications.